'Brine shrimp hatchery tutorial | BBS hatching and feeding to guppies HD'

13:40 Feb 12
'Brine shrimp hatchery tutorial | BBS hatching and feeding to guppies   This video shows how to hatch baby brine shrimp in DIY hatchery made with zero to little cost materials. And the hatched BBS are fed to my guppies in the outdoor guppy pond. Guppy eat live feed very well than any store bought fish food. Enjoy the video.' 

Tags: HD , tutorial , diy , do it yourself , Food , guide , Live , To , how , feed , help , instructions , freshwater , feeding , marine , tropical , breed , SHRIMP , goldfish , saltwater , breeding , guppies , hatch , Guppy , bbs , brine , Artemia , Hatchery , guppy fry , how to hatch brine shrimp , diy brine shrimp hatchery , flashofpink , nauplii , BBS hatchery , live feed to guppy fry

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